Print User Device Ratio

The Print User Device Ratio shows the number of print users per device in your organization. Use this metric to determine if your ratio reflects an optimal state versus a state with inefficiencies and unnecessary costs and inconveniences. 8 to 12 users per device is a good standard*. The number of users per device is calculated as follows:

Users per Device = Total number of users / Total number of active devices

Note: "Active" means any device that has seen print volume within the last 30 days.

  • A green gauge indicates that the user to device ratio is above the target. This implies a healthy fleet configuration.
  • A yellow gauge indicates that the ratio is close, but not below the target. This suggests that your fleet configuration should be explored for possible improvements.
  • A red gauge indicates that the user to device ratio is below the target. This suggests that your fleet configuration likely involves unnecessary costs.

Why is this important?

This tool can help you to unlock significant savings by ensuring that your organization has the right amount and type of printers. You can also identify areas in which to focus your efforts to reduce, consolidate, or replace printers. If your user to device ratio is below your target, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Can we justify the number of print devices in our organization?
  • Is it reasonable to ask certain users to walk a little further to reach a more cost-effective shared device?
  • *8 to 12 users per device is a good standard. However, the amount of printing within your organization must also be taken into consideration. For example, a bank may have different printing needs than a software company.